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the mapping editor中文是什么意思

用"the mapping editor"造句"the mapping editor"怎么读"the mapping editor" in a sentence


  • 映射编辑器


  • The map editor documentation has been updated with changes related to the new features
  • There will be units included in the map editor which will not be in the standard multiplayer skirmish mode
  • In sdf / cics , a character used in the field definition function of the map editor to indicate that two adjacent fields should be separated according to the number of trailing blank characters in the line
    在客户信息控制系统屏幕定义程序( sdf / cics )中,用于映象编辑程序的字段定义功能中的一种字符,它根据一行中尾随的空格字符个数来分隔两个相邻字段。
用"the mapping editor"造句  
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